Cultivating Utah Pride


November 4, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Natalie Sullivan | Editor-at-large | @nhillsullivan Since I moved to Utah two years ago, I’ve discovered a general distain of “Utah culture” by its very own citizens. This reaction has puzzled me to the very core. It seems very odd that Utahns feel this way, especially in comparison with other states. Alabamans are proud of […]

Piper on the roof


April 7, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Since high school, Kevin Saunders has enjoyed sharing his bagpiping talent with a whole host of different audiences. His list of many performances, both formal and informal, has included funerals, birthdays, committee meetings and weddings—indoors, outdoors, in the sun and rain, on street corners, in forests and even once atop a barn. Recently, after coming […]

Everybody’s having a ball, except you


April 7, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Photo credit: Melissa Henrie When an organization wants to put on an exciting event, Ryan Rock, owner of the new company Utah Bubble Balls, will often get a phone call. “We get contacted by corporate events, partner with birthday party organizations…festivals. There are many groups who are interested in renting from us,” Rock said. Although, […]

Caputo’s conversion to food


March 29, 2014

schedule 4 min read

On 314 West 300 South in downtown Salt Lake City, food enthusiasts gather to partake of an international food experience. In search of an exploratory dining experience, food lovers from all backgrounds have made Tony Caputo’s Market and Deli a well-known hot spot for specialty foods. Through expansion of their locations and products, Caputo’s is […]

More of what they love


March 24, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Photos by Mike Poulson When Nathan Packer and Mike Poulson first met as skydiving instructors in Ogden, they brainstormed on making a club and instantly became friends. Now, their club, UVU Indoor Skydiving, hopes to perfect their craft while becoming the first collegiate indoor skydiving team in the nation. Through judging based on live Wi-Fi […]

Autism mentors make waves


March 1, 2014

schedule 4 min read

On an average Friday, Teresa Williams is softening the limitations of autism. With a program of 21 high school students from various schools and autistic spectrums, she creates fun and challenging weekly activities with the help of UVU student mentors. “We want the kids to have that idea that they can come to college and […]

Kissing tradition


February 15, 2014

schedule 3 min read

At 11:30 pm, the music had already started, but students were just getting warmed up. At midnight on February 12, True Wolverine kicked off with an announcement from Miss UVU. On the lower west end of the iconic UVU fountain, flames surrounded UVU’s letters, casting a glow on the crowd of soon-to-be ‘True Wolverines.’ In […]

Five reasons your cold medicine isn’t helping


January 21, 2014

schedule 3 min read

The cold and flu season is well upon us, but what you may not know is that cold medications can have harmful effects on your health. Recent concerns this month for acetaminophen overdose effect on the liver have left the FDA asking doctors not to prescribe combination medications that contain over 325 milligrams of acetaminophen […]

Sherlock feels fresh


January 10, 2014

schedule 3 min read

After two highly popular seasons, the makers behind the hit series Sherlock teased fan’s expectations while offering the series a bit of a makeover. As a whole,  “An Empty Hearse” doesn’t meet the norms of a typical Sherlock episode. In fact, without the fine series of deductions or case solved, we still don’t really know […]

Mastering the art of college cooking


January 10, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Photo by Laura Fox While most college students dream of gourmet food at the bottom of an instant top ramen well, recent trends have shown a revival in the yearning for gourmet American food. With the movie release of “Julie and Julia” in 2009, yet another renaissance ignited sales of Child’s “Mastering the Art of […]

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