Drug use on campus

March 25, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes One study created by researchers at the University of California-San Diego discovered the possibility of marijuana having no effect on brain tissue. “[Marijuana] affects your school [work] only if you let it,” said one anonymous source who has smoked marijuana for over two years. “[I think] it helps me whenever I get stressed with homework.” […]

UVU FOODS – A new club with big aspirations

March 25, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes On Monday March 18, Matt Hilbert and I sat on a wooden bench in the Outdoor Adventure Center. He wore a smile, and held himself with a confidence that couldn’t easily be duplicated. He was promoting his recently introduced club, UVU Foods, which can be found on Orgsync or Facebook. “There are three goals I […]

Graphoanalysis part two

March 25, 2013

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my previous article about Graphoanalysis, the study of handwriting, I gave you more of an idea on its premise. This is a synopsis on its creation and history. Graphoanalysis is not something used to cast fortunes or anything like that. Graphoanalysis is only made possible by our brain and the subconscious “ticks” in our […]

Graphoanalysis: the study of handwriting

March 11, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes One problem with the growing rise in electronic writing, and less cursive writing is the loss of one very valuable skill. I’m talking about graphoanalysis. What is graphoanalysis? It’s the study of handwriting. By studying a person’s handwriting you are able to learn certain, hidden, traits in the personality that the writer may not even […]

Inside Speed Dating

March 11, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes I walked into a fairly decent-sized room. All day I had waited for this experience. An experience I probably wouldn’t have again soon. I came in as number three. Pizza and soda were placed out invitingly on a table to my left. Alyce Johnson, a UVU student who purposed this study, handed me a nametag […]

Hunger Banquet sparks thought of global citizenship

March 4, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes Utah Valley University had its tenth annual Hunger Banquet on Feb. 21 in the Grande Ballroom in hopes to show participants the reality of poverty.   Sitting down on newspapers spread across the floor in the dark, 400 UVU students ate beans and rice. The students ate and talked with anticipation and curiosity. Atop a […]