Graphoanalysis part two
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn my previous article about Graphoanalysis, the study of handwriting, I gave you more of an idea on its premise. This is a synopsis on its creation and history.
Graphoanalysis is not something used to cast fortunes or anything like that. Graphoanalysis is only made possible by our brain and the subconscious “ticks” in our writing.
Previously, I mentioned how certain moods, situations or certain people affect your handwriting. Why would that be?
According to the Token Rock website and Graphoanalyst, John Jensen, “The impulse to write originates in the cerebral cortex and travels through the nerves to the muscles of the hand, resulting in unique, controlled movement.”
It’s no wonder different personalities result in different handwriting. I would like to see some research on a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder and how different their handwriting would be in the different personalities.
For instance, determining how hard the handwriting is written shows the depth of emotion of an individual. According to Graphanalysis studies, the harder the handwriting is, the longer deep emotions last.
Conversely, the lighter the handwriting could have the same intense emotions, but it appears the emotion in the lighter writer burns out much faster.
It would be very interesting to then see how dramatic that change would be in someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
The study of handwriting has intrigued many, especially one, according to the International Graphoanalysis Society Inc., by the name of Milton N. Bunker, a teacher and expert in several shorthand systems, who coined the name “Graphoanalysis” in 1929. Bunker concluded that strokes, rather than letter formations alone, reflect the writer’s personality.
Another thing to look out for in handwriting is the slant of the writing. In Graphoanalysis, there are degrees of slanted writing: F–, F-, FA, AB, BC, CD, DE, E+, E++.
F– would be a very extreme case, as well as E++. Both are possible, but neither are as common as the rest. The F– is handwriting slanted far to the left, E++ is handwriting slanted far to the right. The degrees in between both letters are gradual changes in slants toward whatever particular extreme they are closest.
According to to Graphoanalysis, the farther left your handwriting is, the more likely you are to think before you act and speak. As you may guess, the further right handwriting is, the more like you are to act and speak before you think.
According to the step one booklet of “Eight Basic Steps to Graphoanalysis by the International Graphoanalysis Society,” “The slant determines into which category the writer fits as far as his emotional make-up is concerned.”
This is why the slant in writing is so important. There are many things that can be seen in Graphoanalysis, but there are also many things that must be taken into consideration before a reader can accurately observe a writer’s handwriting.
A person could read just a little about Graphoanalysis, but without the full knowledge they cannot understand everything about the person whom they are “reading.” A course in Graphoanalysis or further research could help a reader tremendously in this field.
There are job opportunities for those who seek employment in Graphology, but a word of caution: Most companies don’t hire for more than temporary or advisory work.