Halloween costume scare


November 8, 2010

schedule 2 min read

The Thursday before Halloween brought out the usual early-costume wearers on campus this year. Amid the typical witches, Vikings and fairies, was a poor apparel and accessory choice by one student. According to Brad Plothow from University Marketing, the student, a former member of the military, entered the library wearing military fatigues and a combat […]

“A Map in the Dirt”


March 31, 2010

schedule 2 min read

When you finish reading “A Map in the Dirt,” the new short comic book from our own Utah artist Jess Smart Smiley, you may be left scratching your head. It is a dark, poetic and haunting tale that is also, at times, an overly confusing one. In a lot of ways, “A Map in the […]

Local band ready to swim in deeper waters


January 25, 2010

schedule 2 min read

If you Google “Shark Speed,” most of the nearly seven million results are about the velocity of Great Whites or are links to Discovery Channel’s annual awesome-fest known as Shark Week. In time, that will most likely change if the guys in the local band Shark Speed continue to put out material like their forthcoming […]

The Anchor: Ambitious new comic series begs to be read


October 26, 2009

schedule 2 min read

There are those that like comic books the way they like heavy metal: dark, complex, gruesome and divine. At times, biblical and always epic. They want a hero (a term we use loosely) bathed in blood and born in fire. They want more than just the tights and fights that fill the shelves of local […]

Oh captain, my captain


March 30, 2009

schedule 2 min read

For those of us that love tights and fights in our comics, it’s hard to find a better monthly comic book than Captain America. Under the skillful hand of Ed Brubaker, the book is consistently incredible and often mind-blowing. What used to be a monthly flag waving fest has become a dark espionage thriller with a deeply woven plot that keeps its readers on the edge of their seats.

Heavy Metal makes a comeback


March 30, 2009

schedule 2 min read

It does not get much better than Crack the skye, the latest album from heavy metal outfit Mastodon. Forget the eyeliner-wearing, prissy stuff that passes for metal nowadays, Mastodon is the real deal and Crack the skye is their masterpiece. If you like your metal heavy, and without all the whining and crying of modern so-called hardcore, then this is the band for you.

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