Go to India Fest

September 6, 2011

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here’s why: 1. It might make you respect other religions and cultures a little more 2. You may find that Mormons and Krishnas share important elements of Krisha Consciousness 3. To enjoy some Krisna-Kirtana (basically Indian folk music and poetry) 4. Eat some good food 5. Watch the pageant of Ramayana, the epic (Not in […]

Student made film to premiere at SLC Masonic Temple

September 6, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s a movie about Porter Rockwell, Free Masons, ancient bloodlines and the Ark of the Covenant. Oh, and UVU students. “The Masonic Map,” which was written and directed by senior Communications major Joseph James, is set to have its Utah premiere in downtown Salt Lake City. As James describes it, the movie “a story about […]

In Defense of Smoking

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Smoking may not be right – but it is my right to smoke.   “Thanks for a country where nobody’s allowed to mind his own business.”  – William S. Burroughs   I smoke cigarettes. And, yes, I know they’re bad for me.   Go ahead. I know what you’re going to ask. You’re aching […]

What’s the deal with the DOW?

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes DOW 101: For Students   By Anne Squire   News Writer   Music majors study music theory and nursing students study anatomy. In a college setting, students are required to pick a major and then study it in-depth.   Amidst the focus on specific majors, students overlook the importance of what is transpiring in the […]

Men’s soccer to open at Utah State

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes   On top of school work the UVU men’s club soccer team, along with Coach Kemal Makasci, is concluding tryouts with hopes of creating a solid team that will lead them to a successful season through leadership and commitment.   As one of the club teams on campus, the men’s soccer program receives no funding […]

Quality wins, not just games, needed

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes There was a time just going to the game, being in a packed arena, feeling the atmosphere, was enough. No more. My needs are greater, the standard higher. I need to be courtside, on the field, as close as I can get to the action. I have to hear post-game comments, unfiltered, straight from the […]

Spectrum is a fun club for everyone, not just homosexuals

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes Karaoke and laughter wafted down the halls of the Student Center. Looking into the room, there were instant calls to stay and sing along. After a night of amusing vocal antics, invites to the next scheduled gatherings ensued. This was an event put on by the UVU Spectrum Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning Intersex and […]

Do you orgsync?

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes One hundred eighty six clubs – and we’re not talking turkey here. That’s how many clubs there are at UVU, according to the UVU Clubs Department. To facilitate the management of such a large collection of clubs, the UVU Clubs Department uses OrgSync, an online community system used in the United States and Canada to […]

The UVU Review’s sure-fire guide to failure

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hollywood has always shown us that succeeding in school is for taped-glasses nerds and overzealous freshman. It’s simple, being smart and successful just isn’t cool anymore. We here at the UVU Review believe that to truly succeed, you’ll first have to fail. We’ve taken the time to interview the teachers, counselors, and students of UVU, […]

Reboots: when they work and when they don’t.

September 5, 2011

Reading Time: 3 minutes Want to know the quickest way to ruin a good movie? Make a sequel. Remember “Smokin’ Aces?” Of course you do.  It was a great movie involving the Mafia, assassins and the F.B.I. with a twist at the end. “Remember Smokin’ Aces 2: Assassin’s Ball?” No, you do not because the writers/production company decided to […]