Guide to making sense

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes There’s a popular axiom that dictates (in a G-rated form, anyway), “Opinions are like [armpits]. Everyone has them, and they all stink.” While this is obviously not 100% true (some people have no armpits, while some armpits smell quite lovely), there lies an indisputable chunk of truth in that meme. Because this is the Opinion section, there is certainly a small sting whenever it is said/written/told to me by my editor. What’s a boy to do? First, it’s important to recognize that the statement is probably more untrue than it is true. Despite what I see on both MSNBC and Fox News, I think that most people, including the student body at UVU, have intelligent, reasonable, fact-based opinions. To prove myself right (something at which I am very, very good), here’s a handy list of things that the fine readers of the UVU Review can continue to do in their writings to us in order to continue my high esteem of them:

Fall has Fell

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s back. We’re back, I mean. The annual migration of late teens and twenty-somethings from parents’ basements into overpriced, college-accessible housing has reached its peak. The D.I. is crowded on Wednesdays again, and the bookstore staff are cashing their fat, fat paychecks, with a lack of shame rivaled only by Disney and Lucifer himself. A […]

Recycling initiatives on campus

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes Making a new aluminum can from an old one saves 95 percent of the total energy required to make one from scratch. In short, recycling one aluminum can saves as much energy as you use by leaving a 100W light bulb on for 8 hours.

Rallying for access to public lands

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Utah residents and public officials, joined by members of the Utah State Legislature held one of Utah’s largest political rallies on Capital Hill on Aug. 8 in an effort to reclaim public lands that have been unlawfully seized by the Federal Government.

Kyle Reyes appointed Assistant to the President

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Kyle Reyes, UVU staff and community service volunteer was said to be ‘the glue of campus’ in July when he accepted the position as Director of Student Success and Retention. Reyes set the focus of the dean’s presence on campus toward informing, listening to, supporting and engaging of students in order to help them achieve […]

Indebted to one man’s progressive vision

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Wilson Sorenson, the second president of UVU and longest-tenured at 36 years, passed away Thursday July 30 at the age of 92. Sorenson pioneered the way for UVU and was able to witness each phase of the school’s many transitions since the beginning of his involvement in 1941. First known as the Central Utah Vocational […]

Arab-Israeli peace negotiations

August 28, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Obama Administration is set to unveil its much-anticipated plan for establishing a sustainable peace between Israelis and Palestinians at a pivotal point in the conflict. Among the key points expected to dominate the negotiations are the issues of settlements, the barrier wall, Jerusalem, house demolitions and confiscation of land, Palestinian refugees, access to water […]