Unbox love

Are you looking to rekindle that fire that you and your lover once had? Have you succumbed to watching season after season of Breaking Bad or The Office on Netflix late at night instead of engaging in a fun date or activity together?
Former UVU student and alumnus, Nate Bagley, who is a proud graduate of Speech Communications, has created a service that offers a fun date to be delivered to your doorstep once a month. All you have to do is set aside the time to take part in the surprise that you will find with your significant other inside a white box with a blue heart on it.
It really is as simple as it sounds. When you go online to unboxlove.com, laid out for you are three simple steps.
Step 1: Subscribe!
Step 2: Delivery!
Step 3: Get your date on!
For $50 a month couples can experience a date that reconnects them the way they initially became connected when they were first dating. If you think $50 sounds too pricy, consider how much you would be spending on dinner and a movie. If you are planning to go somewhere more expensive than Taco Bell and the Cinemark rather than the dollar theater, you will be spending roughly the same amount on that date – if not more, except it won’t be nearly as engaging or fun as an Unbox Love date.
I asked Bagley what sparked his inspiration for the Unbox Love and he said, “The inspiration hit one night when Steve (the co-founder) and I were in a car talking with our best friend, Jon about his marriage that is fast approaching. Steve brought up that his sister had given 12 dates in a box to a family member as a wedding gift earlier that year. It was a huge hit. We wondered what it would be look like to provide a service like that for anyone who wanted it. We tossed up a website, and the idea spread like wildfire. We’re pretty excited about it.”
The past year Bagley has traveled from state to state finding love stories between couples all over America for his “Loveumentary” project. Bagley said the most important thing he learned from this project was “that whether you’re single or you’re in a relationship, the only person responsible for your happiness is yourself. You choose every day how to spend your time. You can spend it doing things you enjoy, and that make you feel energized and healthy and happy. Or you can spend it waiting for someone else to show up for you… but that wait is typically a long one. Those people who know how to make themselves happy as single people are the happiest people when they’re in a relationship. That’s the secret. Love yourself first (but not in a selfish way). You’re welcome.” You can read stories or listen to podcasts of interviews of ordinary people who want to talk about love at loveumentary.com
According to Bagley, “Love is the thing that binds us all together. Not one person on this planet doesn’t want to love and be loved. The people you pass in the hallways, sit next to in class, and drive by on the freeway all deeply desire love. And more importantly, you are the gatekeeper to that love! You have an unlimited supply of love you can give. You can look up from this paper right now and smile at a stranger and introduce yourself, or hug your friend and tell them how much you appreciate them, or build up someone who is having a rough day. We all want the same thing, and we all have an unlimited supply to give. That is amazing. So stop trying to hoard it. Don’t be afraid of it. Just open your arms and love.”
You might wonder if maybe Unbox Love is only designed for serious couples or married couples, but Bagley says that Unbox Love is designed for anyone that wants to be in a relationship. Bagley himself is currently single and says, “It’s ironic, I know. My obsession with this love project leaves very little room for my own personal relationships in my life. My cofounder, Steve, has a girlfriend though.”
So even if you are trying to bring some fun back into your relationship, or simply looking for something new to do on a date, be sure to check out what Unbox Love might have in store for you! The first Unbox Love boxes are set to be mailed out this year in March.