New Michael Moore documentary free for download

Award-winning director/writer/producer Michael Moore released his newest movie Slacker Uprising Tuesday on his Web site at no cost to viewers. The movie follows Moore on his college campus tour prior to the 2004 presidential election during which he unsuccessfully tried to prevent George W.

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Award-winning director/writer/producer Michael Moore released his newest movie Slacker Uprising Tuesday on his Web site at no cost to viewers.

The movie follows Moore on his college campus tour prior to the 2004 presidential election during which he unsuccessfully tried to prevent George W. Bush from being re-elected.

“My goal was to help turn out a record number of young voters and others who had never voted before,” said Moore in an e-mail to his newsletter subscribers. “That part was a success. Young adults voted in greater numbers than in any election since 18-year-olds were given the right to vote.”

Moore hopes Slacker Uprising will inspire young voters this November, and provide a thank you gift to his devoted supporters over the years.

“It was clear that young people were the ones who were going to save the day,” said Moore, “just as they are in this year’s election.”

The release marks the first major full-length motion picture to be debuted for legal downloading free of charge. Moore has also given his “blanket permission” for public screenings and broadcast on local cable access channels or the web. A low-cost DVD version will also be made available for Amazon, Netflix and local stores in October.
You can sign up for a free download and get links to stream the movie online at

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