Sasquatch: legend meets science


November 15, 2011

schedule 3 min read

The room was overflowing with people sitting in the aisles as students, professors and community members gathered to listen to Jeff Meldrum discuss the possibilities of Sasquatch being more than a myth. The lecture sponsored by the Humanities department was held Friday, Nov. 11, and received much curiosity on campus.   “There is the traditional […]

Sasquatch: A lecture by Cryptozoologist Jeff Meldrum


November 4, 2011

schedule 2 min read

When research on gorillas is mentioned, Jane Goodall’s name invariably comes up. When Sasquatch is discussed, it’s Dr. Meldrum’s name that starts circulating.   After graduating with a bachelor’s in zoology from Brigham Young University, Dr. Meldrum went on to earn a master’s and a doctorate in anatomical science, specializing in biological anthropology. He has […]

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