UVU students and faculty express opinions on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination


September 25, 2018

schedule 4 min read

The spotlight is on the Supreme Court in Washington. “Can you think of any laws that give governments the power to make decisions over the male body?” Kamala Harris, a Democratic senator asked at the confirmation hearings for nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Cameras stood prepared to spot any sign of insecurity or weakness. The grown middle-aged […]

Gov. Gary Herbert vs. Planned Parenthood


September 29, 2016

schedule 2 min read

Utah’s Planned Parenthood became the target of Governor Gary Herbert following the viral video footage that allegedly showed Planned Parenthood employees discussing selling fetal tissues in August 2015. Herbert tried to cut off funding from the organization after viewing said videos, leading Planned Parenthood to sue the governor’s office in order to maintain funding. Recently, […]