Despite loss, Owlz ready for playoff run

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Raptors claim first round pick of playoffs with a defeat over the Owlz, 5-3 Tuesday night.

This was not a poorly played game from the Owlz. Hitting coach Brent Del Chiaro said, “We had one error — one error that caused us a couple of runs, but we learned from it.”

One mistake but an excellent performance by the Owlz, who actually out hit almost double what the Raptors did, 14-8. Also, first-timer Wing who played 2nd base for the Owlz was on call from Arizona, and added some strength to the team.

Will Smith stepped up with nine strikeouts, a season high.

“I think Smith did a great job pitching,” Chiaro said, “He had great tempo all night long.”

But it was the infielder from California, Roberto Lopez that fans were unable to watch, because he rested up for playoff games. Lopez, whose batting average topped well over .400 in the last few games, recently was named Pioneer League MVP. Lopez has a total of 66 runs scored, 26 doubles, and 65 RBI.

Owlz pitcher Jason Miller also took home the pitcher of the year award. Among many others, the all-star team was packed with Owlz.

The Owlz will face the Raptors in the first round of the playoffs.

“We are used to long stretches with them,” said Chiaro, “we’re ready to go, and it’s going to be a good fight. We are going to give some other guys a look, and we are going to keep our guys fresh and ready to play.”

The first few games of the season were against the Raptors, and it looks like they are up to the challenge and well prepared. They will wrap up regular season play this Friday and head to Lindquist Field for game one of the playoffs and be back Sunday for game two.