“I am going to keep on fighting”: Nikki Haley rallies supporters as state caucus looms
Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley rallied supporters at a crowded UVU venue and made her case to supporters, students, and faculty on why she should be the Republican nominee for president.

Nikki Haley, former ambassador to the United Nations and candidate for President of the United States, rallied supporters at UVU as the upcoming March 5 caucuses draw closer.
Speaking to a crowded venue of supporters, students, and faculty on Feb. 28, Nikki Haley made her case to Utahn voters on why she should be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. She spoke to issues regarding immigration, veteran healthcare, indoctrination in public schools, and her opponent, Former President Donald Trump.
“We can ignore the hole all we want, and we’ll go down with the ship,” Haley told her crowd of supporters in reference to Former President Trump. “Or we can go see this for what is and understand if we go in a new direction that we can save ourselves.”
Haley’s rally comes one week before the famed “Super Tuesday” caucuses, where 16 states and territories will host preference polls to choose which candidate they would like to be the Republican nominee. The most recent polling in Utah shows Haley in the double digits behind Former President Trump. Recently, Haley won the support of some Utah officials including Lt. Gov Deidre M. Henderson, who introduced Haley at her rally.
“The reason I am doing this is not about what I care about happens to me, I am doing this for my kids. I am doing this for your kids and your grandkids,” Haley asserted. “We want to know why there is so much stress and anxiety and depression with the young generation. They deserve to know what normal feels like.”
During a press briefing held before the event, The Review was able to ask Haley what she would say to Utahn voters who feel Former President Trump is the only option; she responded, “In a general election, you’re given a choice; in a caucus you make your choice. This is the chance to not only to make their choice but tell the country who they are and what they believe. Do they want more of the same or go in a new direction?”
Haley’s event was well-attended and saw a full house within the Noorda event venue. Overflow halls were also set up, which supporters also filled to the brim. Supporters told The Review their frustrations with the current state of the race, and why Trump wasn’t the man to win in November.
“I think Donald Trump is going to find himself with too many legal issues that he’s not going to be electable,” Gwen Adams, a volunteer and supporter for Nikki Haley, told The Review. “I think [Trump supporters] should actually listen to Nikki, listen to the actual things, don’t listen to Trump because he’s not telling the truth. Listen to what she has to say and make their decision.”
Many supporters of Haley were critical of Former President Trump, asking fellow Republicans to ditch Trump in the upcoming caucus.
“I would ask all Republican voters to give up on Trump,” Philip Speed, attendee at Haley’s event, told The Review. “[Let’s] get somebody that will run this country properly.”
Wrapping up the press conference, Haley told reporters that she isn’t backing down, and she is in this for the long haul. “How blessed are we to live in a country where we don’t anoint kings. Where we do have conversations within our party about the direction we go…. I am enjoying the ride, and I am going to keep on fighting.”
Utah is set to hold its caucus contests this March 5. Republicans will hold their presidential preference poll to determine who will win Utah’s 40 delegates. It is too late for voters registered with a party to change their affiliation, but unaffiliated voters can register up until the day of the caucus.
For more information about voting and accessing your voter registration, visit Utah’s voting website. For more information about the upcoming Republican caucus, visit the State G.O.P. website.