Dental care tips for the busy college student 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

While in college, caring for your teeth might seem like the least important thing there is to care about right now. But if you do not care for your teeth now, you might be dealing with more serious care in the future. Regular dental visits and good habits prevent you from needing to see the dentist more than twice a year.  

Tip #1 

Use UVU’s dental hygiene clinic. Their regular visits, which include a cleaning, exam and x-rays, are only $15 for students. The visits are longer than a typical cleaning at a dentist, but these services do not require insurance coverage and are very affordable. You can visit their site to learn more about what they do. Visiting the clinic is also a great way to help fellow students learn their craft.  

Tip #2 

Visit the dentist regularly. This has two big benefits. The first is that you will help prevent cavities by getting your teeth cleaned. Dental cleanings reach hard-to-clean spots, ultimately helping your mouth stay healthy. The second benefit is that you will catch cavities early on, and a few at a time. This means that your upfront cost of treating the cavities will be much less than if you had waited for a couple of years and had to treat four or five cavities all at the same time.  

Tip #3 

Schedule dental visits during the breaks you have from school. You should visit the dentist for regular cleanings and exams twice a year, or once every six months. That means that you can make a visit in July, during summer break, and then again during winter break in December. Doing this allows you to find time in your schedule to go and to take the time you need at the dentist. Visiting during the holiday season especially helps your teeth look shiny and clean for pictures and celebrations! 

Tip #4 

Set a routine to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. This does not have to be right before you go to bed and right after you wake up. While it can be helpful to brush your teeth before sleeping, the most important part of toothbrushing is that it happens twice a day. Find a habit that works for your college schedule and stick with it.  

Tip #5

Avoid too much alcohol and tobacco use. Tobacco stains your teeth, and smoking can alter where your teeth sit, undoing orthodontic work that may have been done. Shifted teeth and tobacco stains are often expensive or difficult fixes for a patient. Avoiding the cause of these issues will save you dental procedures and money. Wine and other alcoholic beverages can stain your teeth and cause intense decay. This leads to cavities or sensitive teeth. According to John Hopkins University Drinking water during or after consuming alcohol can help prevent some of these issues, but too much alcohol will damage your teeth no matter what.  

Oral health is much simpler than it seems! Taking care of your teeth should be part of your life as a college student. Doing this will help you feel more confident and maintain your overall health.