Dealing with seasonal blues
Utah’s 2023 winter has shattered records and delayed spring. Some students give their advice on how they are dealing with the unseasonably cold weather.

Either through permitting physical activities or fulfilling emotional needs, weather plays an unnoticeably large part in our personal wellness. However, thanks to this year’s snowfall, the secret is out. According to Carter Williams on KSL, Utah’s 2023 snowfall has “best[ed] 1983 as the best season in the modern age of snowpack collection records.” These record snowfalls are beginning to take a toll on Utahns.
For some, more snow just means a longer season of winter sports, but for others, it means rough mornings and tired afternoons. Despite the weather, however, students are adapting to the cold spell that has outlasted its welcome.
“Normally, weather doesn’t have a strong effect on me. However, on a day that I’m not enjoying the weather, I either ignore it or look for productive things to do,” shared Prince Cooper, a UVU freshman and cinema production major.
For coping with poor weather, productivity and creativity are great wellness practices, especially since poor weather often impacts both. According to research by Melisa Bubonya and others, “The toll that mental illness takes on worker productivity results in substantial economic costs for firms, employees, and society more generally.” In other words, feeling down can significantly impact workplace performance.
This is why consciously striving to be productive and creative during poor weather is important.
In fact, creative and productive hobbies often prove to be helpful for one’s well-being, making them a good counter to the negative emotions brought on by bad weather (see “The self-care of creativity” for more details).
“The way I see it,” said Grant Rigby, a UVU freshman and supply chain management major, “there isn’t much we can do about the weather, so we might as well be happy about it!” He concluded, “There’s always something positive to focus on.”
According to an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, “… a positive attitude improves outcomes and life satisfaction across a spectrum of conditions—including traumatic brain injury, stroke and brain tumors.”
This emphasizes the point Rigby makes, in which creating a positive mindset can help one both physically and emotionally.
Although keeping a positive and productive mindset isn’t easy during poor weather, pushing through it may help keep individuals healthy. While the weather outside rages, it’s best to simply keep going and remember that the cold won’t last forever.