Natural ways to boost your energy levels
College students live busy lives, especially at the end of the semester. However, there are ways students can boost their energy and feel more ready to tackle each day.

College students are always on the go, juggling multiple tasks such as attending classes, studying for exams, participating in extracurricular activities, and maintaining social lives. With this nonstop schedule, it is no wonder that many students often feel exhausted and low on energy. Additionally, although energy-boosting supplements and drinks may be available to temporarily relieve these conditions, many of them are not recommended for long-term use and can have adverse effects on your health.
Fortunately, students can safely and effectively increase their energy levels with diverse and natural methods.
Getting enough sleep
One of the simplest ways to boost your energy is by getting enough sleep. According to Eric Suni in an article from Sleep Foundation, “numerous indicators support the view that [sleep] serves an essential biological function.” In fact, “a lack of sleep has been associated with a wide range of negative health consequences including cardiovascular problems, a weakened immune system, higher risk of obesity and type II diabetes, impaired thinking and memory, and mental health problems like depression and anxiety,” Suni explained.
Suni also stated that most “healthy adults” require at least seven hours of sleep each night to function optimally and that it is important to maintain a regular sleep schedule each day. This helps regulate the body’s internal clock and can lead to better sleep quality.
Another way to naturally increase your energy is through exercise. Exercise not only helps to improve physical fitness but can also boost mental energy levels. An article by Harvard Health states that when we exercise, our body releases endorphins, natural mood boosters that can help combat fatigue and reduce stress on the brain. Additionally, regular exercise can improve sleep quality and lead to increased energy levels during the day, according to an article by Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Regarding the personal benefits of exercise, Cassandra Vazquez, a UVU student studying English literacy, stated, “Doing physical activity such as walking not only improves fitness level and my mental well-being but also boosts my energy and mood.”
Additionally, Andrea Mena, a UVU student studying biotechnology, advises, “To boost your energy, it is important to prioritize your sleep and physical activity besides knowing how to cope with stress.”
The diet also plays a significant role in how much energy you have. According to a Harvard Health article by Katherine McManus, eating a balanced variety of foods such as berries, fish, leafy greens, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and other foods can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Skipping meals or eating a diet high in processed foods and sugars can lead to energy crashes and fatigue.
Also, according to Sandee LaMotte of CNN Health, staying hydrated is also crucial for maintaining energy levels, as dehydration can cause sluggishness and fatigue. Drinking green tea or coffee in moderation can also provide an energy boost from its naturally occurring caffeine.
Although college students may feel drained because of the many demands on their time, natural remedies provide a safer and more effective way to increase energy levels. Getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating other natural remedies can help college students feel more energized and ready to tackle the day.