A Case for Criminal

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you are looking for a great comic book experience but superheroes don’t get your cape blowing and you want something a bit more grounded, then look no further than Criminal. Written by Ed Brubaker with art by Sean Phillips, Criminal has consistently been one of the best comic books published.

Dave’s movie corner

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Football season is upon us. That would probably mean a lot more to UVU if we had a football team, but until that day, here are some flicks about the gridiron to tide us over. Leatherheads – This 2008 comedy from director George Clooney is a throwback to the lightning fast comedic dialogue of the films from the ’30s and ’40s.

Eerie new Fringe crash-lands

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes As lightning flashes, an overly anxious passenger aboard flight 726 proceeds to inject himself with an unknown substance — the aftermath can only be described as one of the most gruesome and horrific sequences in television history. Let’s just say it involves melting flesh and gallons of vomit.

George Winston comes to Provo

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes This Friday, solo pianist George Winston will perform at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo. Winston, whose career began in 1972 with his first album, Ballads and Blues, has since released seven multi-platinum, platinum and gold albums. Chances are the majority of UVU students have never heard of Winston.

March of the Salt Soldiers

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Catching a production like UVU’s March of the Salt Soldiers is a rare opportunity; if you are reading this newspaper, the script was written specifically for you. There will be a character you can relate with, and the subject of the dialogue directly effects you.

Mario + Picasso = ?

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Of all the accusations that are constantly (and arbitrarily) hurled at the video game medium, none is more unverifiable than the claim that “games aren’t art.” In a world where gaming is increasingly becoming an integral piece of the cultural pie, it’s getting harder and harder to shoehorn gamers into the violence-prone, anti-social, basement-dweller cookie cutter of a bygone age.

Web site of the week: DeviantArt.com

September 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Web is littered with image hosting sites. Visit Photobucket or TinyPic and you’ll find an unlimited amount of random pictures hosted on their servers for uses known only to those who uploaded them. DeviantArt however, focuses not so much on the art being hosted, but on the artist.

Filmmakers on campus

September 8, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute The makers of the new indie flick Take, starring Minnie Driver (Grosse Pointe Blank, Good Will Hunting) and Jeremy Renner (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, 28 Weeks Later), will be speaking in the new library from 3-5 PM this Wednesday on how to write, cast, shoot, finance and distribute a film. They will not only be talking about the technical aspect, but the creative as well.

He was here

September 8, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Growing up, I listened to my father play Bob Dylan on his guitar; it became my lullaby, the soundtrack of my time with my ultimate hero: dad. The opportunity to see the legend himself fell into my lap, and I felt obliged to take it.

Who watches the watchmen?

September 8, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes By now, you have probably heard of Watchmen. You might even know that there is a movie adaptation coming out next year, and if you’re lucky, you saw the trailer for it in front of The Dark Knight. What you might not know is that most critics consider Watchmen one of, if not the, most important superhero graphic novels ever written.