St. Patrick’s Day: What you probably didn’t know

March 17, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes Illustration by Trevor Robertson Since the early 17th century, Irish and non-Irish alike have recognized Saint Patrick’s impact on the Irish people. The holiday’s namesake, Saint Patrick, was born into an aristocrat, non-Irish family sometime during the late fourth century as Maewyn Succat. Records were not kept about his place of birth, though legend says […]

The key to money management

March 17, 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes Illustration by Trevor Robertson Handling personal finances during college may be one of the hardest tasks to be proficient in. Learning and implementing how to handle money is one of the best skills to be acquired right now. Budget: Before spending any additional money, setting a specific budget is essential to establishing control of your […]

UVU pulls out the beads and snakes to celebrate Mardi Gras

March 17, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photos by Gabi Campell On Friday Feb. 28, UVUSA threw their annual Mardi Gras celebration. The event had many different attractions to draw people, including a hypnotist and magician, casino room, pizza, cotton candy, dance floor, Comedy Sportz and even a red carpet where you could take pictures with a massive snake. “I like how […]