UVU pulls out the beads and snakes to celebrate Mardi Gras

Photos by Gabi Campell
On Friday Feb. 28, UVUSA threw their annual Mardi Gras celebration.
The event had many different attractions to draw people, including a hypnotist and magician, casino room, pizza, cotton candy, dance floor, Comedy Sportz and even a red carpet where you could take pictures with a massive snake.
“I like how they have different things here for everyone: comedy, pizza, candy,” said Tiani Whitman. “Anyone could find something they like.”
The party started at 9 p.m. on Friday night and ended at 2 a.m. the next morning. In-between there was a lot to see.
Some people came dressed up for Mardi Gras, some came dressed like they had just gotten out of their last class—regardless, they were there to have a good time. Even people who don’t attend UVU got in on the action.
Kailey Boyd and April Ballantyne, who are not students at UVU, said they learned about the party from Facebook and decided to come because they knew it would be a good time. They said they wished there were more parties like this.
Two of the most popular attractions of the night were the magician and the hypnotist. Though the hypnotist shows were a little long—usually running about an hour and twenty minutes—they were always packed. Even in the Ragan Theater there was a crowd standing at the top of the stairs watching the show.
The magician was equally as popular. According to Parker Jenkins, “Anyone who is not here is missing out on the Magician, that’s for sure.”
Another very popular event offered was Comedy Sportz. Students shuffled from the long entry line to a packed house, they were often students’ favorite part of the night when asked.
“Comedy Sports was the best. I’ve never been to a comedy show before and these guys were way good. Definitely my favorite part,” said Daniel Amosa.
One of the biggest criticisms among the partygoers was that there could have been more people present at the event. Kailey Boyd put it simply when she said, “I just wish there were more people.”
Ultimately, it seemed as though the event was a success. Amidst the flurry of multi-colored shirts, ruffled dresses and lots and lots of bead necklaces, many of the partygoers had smiles on their faces. All Valerie had to say was, “I’m all about the O-town and the get down.”