Oh, behave!

March 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes One of the most interesting activities to do while in the outdoors is to “people watch.” There is something about being outdoors that changes the behavior of some individuals. Behavior that is considered unacceptable in most settings is somehow acceptable when outdoors. Strangely, the behavior goes mostly unnoticed by the general public.

Sans socks

March 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes You walk by a man or woman and are immediately drawn to their sense of style: the trim fit of their mackintosh, the subtle sight of cuff emerging from the sleeve, how their trousers fit perfectly into their spring wellies. However, unless you fancy yourself a synesthete, you may have missed out on what made the outfit truly great.

Fit for viewing

March 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes What would you do to win a girl back? Many guys do flowers and chocolates, but how many would be willing to run a marathon? That’s the premise to David Schwimmer’s latest directorial effort, Run, Fat Boy, Run.

How to become a saint

March 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes March is a very Christian time of year. All in one month, we had to deal with the end of Lent, Palm Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday. And in the same way April reminds us to prepare our tax return, March can remind us to stay on the track towards sainthood.