Calling for art donations for charity

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Habitat for Humanity of Utah County recently announced its first art auction, scheduled for early December 2007.The organization is currently calling for art submissions from local artists to donate to this event.The art auction, which includes both a live auction and a silent auction, is scheduled at the Coleman Art Gallery in Provo on Dec.

Kader speaks on the Iraq War

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is at stake in Iraq for America? This was the central question in Omar Kader’s speech that he shared with students, professors and community members on the UVSC campus, Oct. 16. The speech was sponsored by the Ethics Center. Referring to the book, The Matador’s Cape by Stephen Holmes, Kader said the book gives […]

UVSC hosts Graduate and Health school fair

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes For the first time, UVSC will be hosting a Graduate School and Professional Health School Fair, to be held in the Grande Ballroom (SC106a). The grad fair begins Thursday, Oct. 25 at 10 a.m. and will continue till 3 p.m. More than 80 schools plan on attending, representing general graduate studies offices, specific graduate programs, […]

UVSC professor speaks at national conference

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute UVSC’s assistant professor of earth science, Bill Dinklage, will be presenting at the 119th Geological Society of America Conference. The conference will be held at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Oct. 27-31. There will be more than 6,000 geoscientists attending this year’s "2007: Earth Sciences for Society." "I’m looking forward to getting in some […]

Debate team takes third, despite late notice

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The debate team had anything but a head start, but still managed to walk away with a third-place ranking from its most recent competition. Due to a technical difficulty, Ani McPherson and Greg Lucero, the two UVSC students who traveled to the Oct. 11-13 debate tourney in Casper, Wyo., received their topic 20 minutes before […]

Woodburys donate $20 million to UVSC

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Woodbury Corporation announced a donation of $20 million to UVSC’s School of Business on Oct. 19. Those in attendance of the announcement included Utah Sen. John Valentine, LDS church leader Thomas S. Monson, Mayor of Orem City Jerry Washburn, and former UVSC President Lucille Stoddard. Rick Woodbury, the president of Woodbury Corp., made the […]

School shooting raises questions about guns on campus

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute On Oct. 10, a 14-year-old boy walked into his Ohio school armed with a gun and started shooting his fellow students. He wounded four people before turning the gun on himself.This latest school shooting raises the question: Are we truly safe on campus?School-related shootings are not a new thing; although, after the killings at Columbine High School, there has been much more media attention given to them.

Nine digits

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 4 minutes A lack of evidence against Kidus Chane Yohannes, the UVSC student suspected of plotting a mass shooting, could potentially unhinge Utah County’s attempt to convict him on two counts of providing false information to obtain a firearm.

Undying genre revives the undead for Extinction

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Resident Evil: Extinction is the third installment of a video game-gone-movie series; and like the first two releases, it’s a zombie movie. If you haven’t seen either of the previous Resident Evil flicks, think Lara Croft: Tomb Raider meets Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome meets 28 Weeks Later. Now think about what better movies you can […]

The “Travis Bickle” date movie

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Based on an innocent 1972 film by the same name, the Farrelly brothers’s remake of The Heartbreak Kid twists its ideal premise (meeting Miss Right after marrying Miss Wrong) into sordid, romantic comedy squalor. Something terribly upsetting is happening with so-called romantic comedies these days. They have degenerated, like inbred anteaters, into grotesqueries such as […]