Students of UVU: MacKenzie Freeman

Mackenzie Freeman learned that art is an ever changing subject when she began UVU as a freshman this semester. Her eyes were opened to new styles, thanks to her classes, and her art foundation expanded.
Freeman will graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in illustration.
Before she could write her name, Freeman had the skill for drawing. Pictures spoke louder than words to Freeman. Her grandmother and mother were great influences in regards to her talent.
Freeman’s mom invested in her art education, and placed her in various lessons and classes throughout Freeman’s life. She loved hand lettering and watercolors, as well as drawing animals.
For both Freeman’s grandmother and mother, drawing was something they loved and did for fun; Freeman loved drawing so much she decided to pursue it as a career.
By her senior year of high school, Freeman was named the 2016 Sterling Scholar in Visual Arts
at Murray High School. She went on to compete in the Sterling Scholar semi-finals.
With all of the styles of art, she appreciates the detailed work that goes into them.
Freeman’s signature characteristic of her work is detail. She spends hours making her art pieces so detailed that it encourages onlookers to take a closer look, and ponder the beauty her art portrays.
“I’ve done pieces with water color that are 2×2 and really detailed. It’s not just about being able to look at something that is big and say ‘yeah that’s nice,’ but being able to look a little closer at things and see what different things show beauty.” Freeman said.
Freeman found new styles less than a month into the semester, which became instant favorites, such as the romantic style.
“I’ve always liked really romantic styles, just things that are really dramatic in color and contrast.” Freeman said.
After she graduates, Freeman will consider a number of different options for her future. Her top two ideas are animation and illustration for magazines.
“I think that UVU makes you stretch a little bit more. Like with my drawing class, my professor is showing us basic principles that you’re going to need [in your career]. You’re actually drawing proportions and learning how to do things. I think that it [the classes] develops my art more. The art lecture and 2d design [classes] have broadened my horizon of what is art, and to the different kinds of art that are out there. UVU is very supportive of that. I love UVU.” Freeman said.
Whichever path she chooses Freeman knows UVU will help her become the best in her field.