UVU Student Profile: Noah Ruble

A macbook sits in front of him, a concentrated look is on his face and his hand runs nervously through his light-brown curls. This is what Noah Ruble, a communication major, looks like when he is lost in his passion: making music.
Under his artist name Ruble, Noah acts out his fervor for songwriting and indie music. He has something to say to his generation, and music is his therapy to overcome challenges in his life. Now he experiences the overwhelming changes of being a newcomer artist and making his first steps in the music business.
“A girl who I went to high school with has shown her father my music, and he has been very impressed. Turned out that he was a producer at Warner Music Group. So I have a contract now and published my first EP recently. It feels surreal.”
But Noah does not need a professional music studio, he produces his songs all by himself with his macbook and a special recording program. Besides using the program to make music, Noah has also learned to play the drums, guitar and bass since he was four years old.
“My father is my role model. He is a music teacher at a christian church and has taught me all what I know about music today. I learned how to play drums and bass when I was a small kid. At the end of the high school years, I have started to write my own songs and record them for myself. Since then, I make music every day,” Noah said. “I record in my room and there, fours hours can pass easily. When I am writing and jamming, I completely forget the feeling for time.”
With being drawn in the music business so fast, Noah has noticed the dark sides of this industry. He compares this field with the Hollywood factory; many famous artists are no longer themselves and are being shaped into a perfect image without having something to say. The possibility of becoming such an industrialized artist is Noah’s nightmare.
“I am what I am. On the stage and behind the stage. I am making music because I have something to say to the world and do not make music only to become famous.”
The spirit of an authentic, naive and dynamic songwriter was experienced at Noah’s second concert at Velour Live Music Gallery in Provo on Nov. 3. As the support act of the Solarists, Ruble heated up the crowd with his fresh indie vibes and his live band, which also contained his father on the bass guitar. There was no sign of nerves, Noah was just himself, jumping lively over the stage and playing with the audience. After two songs, almost everyone in the crowd was dancing around caught by his energetic attitude.
The upcoming artist is working constantly on new songs and music for commercial TV spots or movie trailers, but his first step is graduating at UVU next semester and then to diving deeper into his passion.
“My label is thinking about letting me tour next year. But first, I need to gain more listeners and get my breakthrough in the industry. I take small steps because I have to process all the recent happenings and stick to myself.”
Check out Noah’s live dates on Instagram under rubleofficial or his music on Spotify under Ruble. His EP Ruble is out everywhere.