Silver screen at Bridal Veil Falls

If you’ve driven north on I-15 recently, you’ve probably noticed Open Air Cinema, a fairly new business located to the west in Lindon, and thought to yourself, “How is that a surviving business in Utah?” While Open Air Cinema is based in Utah, it’s a worldwide company that we’re privileged to have here.

schedule 2 min read

If you’ve driven north on I-15 recently, you’ve probably noticed Open Air Cinema, a fairly new business located to the west in Lindon, and thought to yourself, “How is that a surviving business in Utah?” While Open Air Cinema is based in Utah, it’s a worldwide company that we’re privileged to have here.

Open Air Cinema provides high quality outdoor film-viewing equipment that’s a thousand steps above hanging a sheet on your garage door and using your dad’s digital projector from work. They’ve been used all around the world, from the L.A. and Tribeca Film Festivals to Sundance’s summer movies under the stars. Currently, they’re putting on a local charity benefit for the Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC) by hosting the Bridal Veil Film Festival.

“Bridal Veil Falls is a beautiful, unused and forgotten-about monument,” says Open Air Cinema owner Stuart Farmer. “During winter it’s too dangerous . but we can put good use to it in summertime. . We spoke to the owners of the property and they were more than willing to let us put this charity event on there.”

Open Air Cinema has taken a unique angle for their festival. The titles being shown are the best of the best when it comes to foreign films and documentaries. So far, they’ve shown films like Life is Beautiful, Amelie and Warner Herzog’s harrowing documentary Grizzly Man. The festival will close next week with the best title of them all, Brazil’s City of God. (See the full list of screenings below.)

Though admittance to the festival costs $8, it is well worth it knowing that all proceeds will go straight to the charity. As if that weren’t good enough, you’ll see great films with high quality projection and sound in a stunningly gorgeous location. And after Saturday night’s screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey, there will be a special space-themed dance.

What: Bridal Veil Film Festival
Where: Bridal Veil Falls
Cost: $8 per person
When: 8:00 p.m. each night
Screenings: Sept. 25 – Wings of Desire (Germany)
Sept. 26 – Wardance (Uganda)
Sept. 27 – 2001: Space Odyssey
Sept. 28 – City of God (Brazil)

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