Personalize your personal space

Your apartment needs a fresh start just like your new school year. Giving your room a makeover can be fun and personal, but we can’t forget about the places we hang out the most, especially with our friends. These tend to be the entry way, the kitchen, the living room and the bathroom. Here are some quick tips to give your apartment a personalized touch that is just as beautiful as you are.
1. Don’t Be Afraid of Bold and Beautiful Accents
Sometimes we are afraid of taking risks because we wonder if other people will bring it down. I say embrace the quirkiness. Mismatched pillows are a great way to bring attention to your room. If you are living in a furnished apartment, chances are most of the furniture is neutral. Add some personality to your space. Ceramic or cardboard stag heads are strange but give some fun uniqueness to your apartment. Go to the Deseret Industries and see if you can find some windows or empty frames to hang on your walls. Don’t be afraid to make your space your own.
2. Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Mirrors are a great way to decorate your walls, and they give your apartment and rooms the illusion of being bigger. You can put them on small walls in order to give that area a feel of being longer, such as the end of the hallway, or put them on big walls to double the space. A great place to put a mirror is also right as you enter the door, so that way you have a place to do a quick checkup before you head out the door.
3. Boxes Baskets and Bins, oh my
The key to having an organized apartment is to have a place for everything. Unfortunately, the amount of things we own don’t usually correlate to how much space we have. All containers can be found in really cute material and patterns in order to add some flare to your apartment as well as organization. Boxes are great for shoes in your closet or out-of -season clothes. In your bathroom, they are great for your toiletries and even spare toilet paper. Baskets are great to hold blankets in the living room, keys on the counter and even pens and notepads for your grocery lists. You can even use one in your room for jewelry or hair accessories. Bins can be used for storage to keep under your bed and also for your hair appliances, such as blow dryers, curlers and straighteners.
4. Bring it to Life
Adding plants to your apartment will not only give a great smell but also provide a more “homey” feel. Fig trees and aloe plants are relatively low maintenance and can give you a nice reward every once in a while (i.e. figs and aloe). Flowers always add a lovely scent to the room and make it feel fresh. However, buying fresh flowers every couple of days can get a little expensive. For the low budget version, try fake flowers that you replace every now and then. Urban Outfitters has port-a-plants that are colorful plants that you assemble out of cardboard and can switch out every now and then. They are really easy to disassemble and store as well. With this beautiful life, don’t forget to dress it up. Colorful pots and vases can make a great accent for any room.