The Milk Dragon: a play for all ages

Photo credit: Jesca Cluff
The Milk Dragon, written Susan Zeder, was a philosophical performance that both children and parents could enjoy.
Starting out, you’re introduced into a drab world of the utopian Village, where every action is ruled by a set of laws and colors are non-existent. However, as you follow the two young characters of Zack and Abra, played by the talented Brennan John Newkirk and Briana Lindsay, through their journey through the dark forest, you are introduced to a cast of unusual and wise characters, beautiful dragons and the fear that haunts every character.
As Abra and Zack begin to learn what it is to be wise and courageous, you watch them bare burdens they have never encounter before. Feelings such as inadequacy, guilt, anger and fear; all emotion that every member in the audience could identify with, weigh down their hearts and fight against them through their journey for knowledge.
Watching these two overcome these strange new challenges was a nod to all people and their struggles in an imperfect world. Through these trials, however, they learn about imagination, courage and the power of imagination.
The Milk Dragon was a wonderful way to spend an evening. On the surface it exudes the same playfulness that a children’s show would, but underneath the colors, eccentric costume and funny animals, you will find a deeper message that hold true for all ages: there is no happiness in ignorance.