Gaming for the greater good

Have you ever wanted to perform charitable acts but don’t want to venture too far outside of your comfort zone? Can you play video games for hours on end without stopping? Do you have the ability to stream your game play for the world to see? If the answer to those questions is yes, then Extra Life may be the charity for you.
Most people don’t view gamers as the most charitable types. The world probably thinks of some kid in his or her parent’s basement sweating over a controller. However, the generosity of some in the gaming community is an eye opening experience. Gamers love to give, and if they can do it by simply playing games with friends, then that is all the better.
The concept is simple. You sign up on Extra Life’s website, plan an event before the end of the year, and get friends and family and anyone else you can to donate money. Then you play video games for hours on end. It’s that easy. It’s like a charity marathon or bike ride, only without all the physical exertion.
Extra Life is much like another gaming charity that exists, Child’s Play. They both seek to bring gamers together to give to hospitals and children who need help. While Childs Play raises money to get gaming consoles into children’s hospitals nationwide, Extra Life gives the money to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals to use as they see fit.
The people behind Extra Life don’t hide themselves away from the public, and they run this event once a year. They are active in the gaming community and support those that want to make the event better by taking ideas and suggestions from the community. Jeromy Adams, the founder of Extra Life, is relatively active on Reddit and tries to answer most questions that people have about the charity. It’s not just a one off event; he really cares about what he does and it shows.
The charity is almost over for the year, but there is still time to plan an event and get some friends together to raise money for your favorite hospital. Signing up couldn’t be simpler, just hop online and head to and follow the simple steps to get set up. Pick a day before the end of the year and the hospital you want to donate the money to, and start hitting up friends for donations.
You can even get groups involved and throw a marathon with friends to get the money. You’re helping people by sitting around with friends and doing what you enjoy. It really doesn’t get any better than that.