Not everyone is used to the Thanksgiving holiday

By Elin Trolläng, Reporter, @ElinTrollang
When fall comes around in the United States it’s normal for people to get into the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Here it’s part of life and people don’t give it much more thought other than that it is time for Thanksgiving again—time for eating lots of good food and taking a break for spending time with friends and family.
But Thanksgiving is not celebrated in very many countries. Although people look forward to the holiday, I think a lot of people don’t think about how different this holiday can be for those who are not used to it and didn’t grow up celebrating it.
I have gotten used to the holiday coming around every year but being from Sweden and being an international student here at UVU, I didn’t know much about Thanksgiving until I got to celebrate it for the first time.
I knew the holiday existed and a few things about it because I had learned about it in school. Other than that I didn’t know much because it’s not a holiday anyone in my country celebrates.
One of the few things I knew about Thanksgiving was turkey, the thing that I would always relate to the holiday, and I still do. Thanksgiving simply equals turkey, and I think it does for a lot of people who are not that familiar with the holiday.
The first time I celebrated this holiday it was very exciting because it was something new that I had never done before, and it was a part of my experience living in the United States for the first time. I loved how people here tried to make it a great experience for me because they knew it was something new for me.
And I have started to look forward to Thanksgiving now after I have celebrated it for a couple of years. Maybe it’s because I live here now and it would be weird if I didn’t celebrate it, but the fact that I look forward to it, I think, means something. But I don’t think I have really adapted the holiday yet. It still feels different every year, like I am doing something new.
The fact that I am thinking of it when fall comes around means that it’s growing on me.
It’s just very different to celebrate a holiday that you have not celebrated since you were a little kid.
It makes more sense to celebrate something you grew up with because it becomes a part of your life and it’s hard to adapt to new things that already mean something to other people around me.
That’s why it’s so normal for most people here to get ready for Thanksgiving every year. But for me it’s different.
I think it reminds me that it’s something I didn’t grow up with and that I have a lot of holidays in my country that I don’t get to celebrate as much anymore that people here probably don’t know much about
The only thing that the people in Sweden associate with Thanksgiving is actually Black Friday.
And that was a really fun day to experience because I had never seen anything like it before, and it’s definitely something I associate with Thanksgiving now.
The United States plays a big role in the world’s economy and Black Friday is a day that shows how much people buy and, depending on how much people spend this day, it says things about the economy.
Thanksgiving is just very American and many people around the world are not used to the holiday.