Celebrating Peru, the 2014 global spotlight

On Thursday night the Grande Ballroom stopped being the territory of UVU; for two hours it turned into a region of Peru for the Global Spotlight Inaugural Celebration.
Peruvian food and music created an atmosphere that made everyone feel comfortable and relaxed, like if they were literally in Peru.
“This event went great. The atmosphere was very comfortable. It also made me feel proud for my country,” said Sonia Trujillo, who emigrated from Peru.
While everyone enjoyed the food and the conversations, a picture presentation of Peru played. Traditional clothing, ancient architecture and colorful and unique views, were all introduced to those who came.
“[The Global Spotlight] is the anchor of every year,” said Dr. Frederick White, Associate Vice President. To introduce students to various cultures, UVU spotlights a different country annually.
The audience stood while the USA National Anthem and the National Anthem of Peru played. During the Peruvian Anthem those from the country in attendance, which was a large number, sang along.
“The event was very positive and had a warm atmosphere,” said Andrej Pylnikov, a Russian student.
American students from the Study Abroad program shared their experience of visiting Peru and encouraged people to read about the country or to go visit it.
Senator Mark Madsen expressed his appreciation to the Study Abroad program and for the event. He also reminded the audience of how important Peru is and said how much he enjoyed what he saw at the celebration.
The ambassador of Peru to the USA, Harold Forsyth, said that he is very excited to see Peruvian flags in the United States. He sent his “warm greetings” to all the Peruvians living in this country and expressed his appreciation to those who decided to dedicate this semester to Peru.
The dance group De Paso Peruano provided entertainment and added to the Peruvian atmosphere with traditional dances.
“It went great. I am looking forward for the upcoming Global Spotlight events,” said Savannah Duran, a student at UVU.
It is no doubt that Savannah is not the only one who is looking forward for this “Peruvian semester”. After such a warm introduction, surely the audience will be coming for more.