UVU Students Impacted by Immigration Issues


April 24, 2019

schedule 5 min read

Throughout time, people have migrated from one place to another in order to obtain resources. Nowadays, migration has a new impetus: searching for a better life by escaping the turmoil of home. UVU students who are immigrants, or whose parents emigrated to the U.S., are familiar with the struggles of coming to a new land […]

Humans of UVU: Wilma de Molina


October 11, 2016

schedule 3 min read

If you were to visit the front desk in the International Department, or stroll the halls of the McKay Education building, you might run into Wilma de Molina. Originally from Caracas Venezuela, she is the only girl of 7 children and has a passion for dancing. Wilma is here with her husband and two sons, […]