It’s Complicated: The Un-PC Professor


September 4, 2019

schedule 2 min read

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Dear Reagan, I’m currently in a class with a challenging professor, personality-wise. Every once in a while they make comments that seem completely off-base and off-topic. We’ll be talking about something totally unrelated and they find a way to make some snide comment about people who are in protected classes, like making jokes […]

It’s Complicated: Regional Marriage Pressure


August 20, 2019

schedule 3 min read

To hell with what my Bishop says, I have zero interest in getting married in my early 20s. But people get married so young around here… I worry despite myself about having options later. Advice? -AG  Dear AG, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is self-described as “family-centered.” Not only that, but marriage […]

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