Popcorn Time: “The Overnight”


October 13, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Sundance favorite pushes boundaries Mark Hanni Staff Writer   Marriage is weird. Sharing a bed may be difficult, joining finances can be hard and making new married friends can feel awkward. It seems that many friends you once had before marriage start to dwindle as the vows are said. “The Overnight” addresses the awkwardness that […]

Popcorn Time: “Everest” is thrilling, yet forgettable


October 13, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Ben Roden Staff Writer Early in the new disaster drama film Everest, journalist and climber Jon Krakauer (portrayed by Michael Kelly), poses questions to fellow adventurers while huddled around a table at Mount Everest base camp. “Why do you do it? Why climb Everest?” After a gravid pause, the climbers respond in boisterous unison with English […]