Ghosting 101

November 25, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes There is an unhealthy obsession with dating in Utah County. From quick hook-ups and marriages to Tinder and Mutual, the young people in this college-filled community are eager to find love. While many people love their dating life, such a fixation can cause many problems. With the stereotypical abundance of “straight-out-of-highschool” freshman girls and recently […]

It’s Complicated: Reagan offers flirting tips

February 4, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dear Reagan,How do I indicate to someone I don’t know very well that I find them attractive? Flirting is hard enough as it is, but lately, I’ve found that I’m hesitant to approach women for fear that I’ll come off as overly forward or creepy. Any advice?Cordially,Bearded and Bored Dear Bearded, The initial stages of […]