UVU Platform Series presents “Baby with the Bathwater”


March 24, 2016

schedule 3 min read

  Each year, the UVU Theatre department sponsors the Senior Platform Series. In 2016, Scott Twitchell and his crew will present “Baby with the Bathwater,” a play by Christopher Durang. The show will be performed Mar. 24-26 in the ExBox Theater and is free, although donations are gladly accepted at the door. “Baby with the […]

Senior Theater Platform production: ‘Treasure Island’


January 19, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Every year the theater department sponsors a project called the Senior Platform Series, allowing students to produce original work. Many theater majors use the opportunity for their senior project. For Marc Navez however, who graduated last December with a BA in theater with an emphasis in directing musical theater, there simply wasn’t enough time in […]