The Wolfpack brothers experience real life through movies


October 12, 2017

schedule 4 min read

Oblivious to the streets of NYC, six brothers reenact Pulp Fiction in a small apartment in the lower east side of Manhattan. On another night, one of the brothers is dressing up as Batman ina costume made out of cereal boxes and yoga mats to act out a scene from The Dark Knight. The brothers […]

UVU hosts PBS special premiere


November 12, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Utah Valley University hosted the premiere of the PBS film special “First Freedom: The Fight for Religious Liberty” last Friday, Nov. 2.

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September 1, 2009

schedule 7 min read

A documentary on the dirty works of clean flicks Those who have been in Utah valley for the past decade or so have heard in one way or another about edited movies. Often called “clean” or “moral” movies, they are meant to take the place of the alleged filth distributed by the Hollywood elite. Two […]