Cannonized Cinema: The Dark Knight’s Redemption


January 16, 2012

schedule 7 min read

Sometimes when I look into the young faces of Batman fans eagerly talking about the final chapter of the Christopher Nolan Batman series, I feel both a sense of pride and anguish. These newly converted Batman lovers I speak of were either born in the late 1980s or some time in the 1990s. The Batman […]

Reboots: when they work and when they don’t.


September 5, 2011

schedule 5 min read

Want to know the quickest way to ruin a good movie? Make a sequel. Remember “Smokin’ Aces?” Of course you do.  It was a great movie involving the Mafia, assassins and the F.B.I. with a twist at the end. “Remember Smokin’ Aces 2: Assassin’s Ball?” No, you do not because the writers/production company decided to […]