It’s Complicated: The Un-PC Professor


September 4, 2019

schedule 2 min read

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Dear Reagan, I’m currently in a class with a challenging professor, personality-wise. Every once in a while they make comments that seem completely off-base and off-topic. We’ll be talking about something totally unrelated and they find a way to make some snide comment about people who are in protected classes, like making jokes […]

Tips for Freshman Survival


August 27, 2018

schedule 3 min read

Freshman year is momentous. It’s the beginning of your adult life, and it’s supposed to be fun. Although, contrary to what you see in movies, it isn’t all parties. More often than not it consists of pulling an all-nighter trying to finish a ten-page paper due the next morning. Freshman year is hard. It’s easy […]