UVU’s campus recreation department offers activities for any season

College isn’t only about class. Although class is important, it is equally important to do some things that are enjoyable and which can help release the stress of college life.
Luckily, UVU has an awesome campus recreation department with an amazing gym, tons of intramural teams to join and an Outdoor Adventure Center. There is something for everyone, and UVU students are sure to find some enjoyable ways to help release stress.
If an indoor track, three basketball courts, cardio and weight equipment, exercise classes, or a rock climbing wall pique your interest, sign up for a gym membership on the second floor of the Student Life and Wellness Center. If you are a full time student (10 credits or more) you can get your membership for free. However, those who are taking under 10 credits can still get a great deal — $40 for a semester membership.
According to the SLWC website, the gym is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. There are several fitness classes available during open hours such as yoga, spin, pilates and more. The center also includes a bowling alley, gaming center and the reflection center.
If sports are more your thing, then UVU has a huge selection of intramural sports to choose from. From spikeball to flag football and laser tag to disc golf, there is something for everyone. You can get an account through IMLeagues, and sign up for an intramural team after taking a few short quizzes about rules.
For those who are more outdoorsy and don’t like spending time in a gym, the Outdoor Adventure Center is located in the Student Life and Wellness Building on the second floor in room SL-216. The OAC offers adventures all over Utah with fellow explorers. You can also rent anything from hiking gear to snow gear.
Whether your passion is individual workouts at the SLWC Gym, low key sports with the intramural teams, or an adventure with OAC, UVU has you covered.
For additional questions contact Campus Recreation or call them at 801.863.5552
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://www.uvureview.com/wp-content/media/2018/07/hannahdildine_edited_KS.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hannah Dildine, Staff Writer[/author_info] [/author]