How to Finesse Financial Aid

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Even with UVU’s relatively low tuition, it can still be scary seeing the numbers when paying for school. Here at UVU, students need not face these numbers alone. 

To make this process easier, the Financial Aid office has provided a checklist for working with Aid. 

Step 1

Fill out a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application can be found on the Department of Higher Education’s website The FAFSA calculates grants and loans that you are eligible for based on your financial status and potentially your family’s. 

Step 2

Complete UVU’s Financial Aid requirements. These requirements are available at Navigate to the requirements page by going to Paying for My Education page under the Students tab. Under the Financial Aid header, click on UVU requirements and any outstanding items will be listed. 

Step 3

Once all of the requirements have been completed, and the financial Aid is calculated for that aid year, it’s time for the best part: Accepting your award. To receive your Financial Aid offer, you have to accept it formally. Under the same Financial Aid header from before, there will be an awards link, after clicking on this selecting the 2019-2020 aid year will bring you to review and accept the award offer. 

Step 4

What comes next? Your Financial Aid will apply toward your tuition and fees beginning the first day of classes as long as all requirements are filled. Once your student account is paid, any excess aid will be refunded to you by check through the mail, or direct deposit. Direct deposit requires the additional step of becoming enrolled in eRefund within myUVU. 

Financial Aid is available for students who have completed the admissions process, and all students are encouraged to pursue it.

This video gives some great info about the different types of aid.

The Financial Aid office can be found in the Browning Administration Building in room number 105.  All of the counselors are, as their website states,

“More than happy to answer your questions and to help guide you through the process.” 

UVU Financial Aid and Scholarships

For more information, go to UVU’s official Financial Aid Checklist at