Who is your ideal polotician?
“Physically attractive — that’s all that matters.”
—Emma Hunt, managing editor
“Will Smith.”
—Carly Montgomery, sports & opinions designer
“A comedian—If they are going to ruin America, I’d at least want them to make us laugh while doing so.”
—Andrea Lindgren, news editor
“Politician? What’s that?”
—Elyse Taylor, news designer
“The perfect politician should know what gravitons are.”
—Matthew Jonassaint, opinions editor
“A womanizing, white, middle-age, land owning male with an Ivy League education— or Ronald Reagan.”
—Mel Sundquist, editor-in-chief of The V
“Politicians make me cry.”
—Dave Newlin, editor-in-chief
“Deliberate, firm, and quick — I’m talking about decision making.
—Nadia Ashtawy, asst. editor of The V
“Not Chaffetz,” or “Someone who actually cares.”
—Celeste Rosenlof, asst. opinions editor
“Somebody that’s not full of sh*t.”
—Randy Nielson, asst. photo editor
“Someone who actually cares to listen to and people and not so much his own interests. Someone not so preoccupied with being like other politicians.”
—Gladis Higginbotham, asst. news editor
“A dead one,” or “A retired one,” or “One that believes in the healing power of unicorns.”
—Lex Bourgeous, news writer