UVU students create innovative security device

Two students at UVU are developing a new security device designed to help people keep track of their property.
The device is called the KeeperTI and it makes use of Wi-Fi networks and smart phone GPS abilities to provide the service.
“We believe that KeeperTI is an excellent product,” Vini Vitaliano, KeeperTI business manager, said. “Our product will make people’s lives easier by saving them time and money”
The KeeperTI is a project conceived and developed by UVU students Leo Simberg, a computer science major, and Vini Vitaliano, an international business major. The KeeperTI is a smart tracking device that works by simply placing it on an object. The KeeperTI Home attachment sets up boundaries for any object that has the tracker placed on it and notifies its owner of any irregular placement of items.
There are a variety of ways the KeeperTI can keep your prized possessions safe. For a parent, a KeeperTI tag device can be placed on his or her child’s backpack. The KeeperTI tag can be programmed with a specific route to the child’s school, allowing the parent to know if their child has deviated from the established boundaries. A KeeperTI tag can be placed on the collar of a pet and using GPS you’ll be provided with the location of your pet if it were to go missing. For more day-to-day needs, the KeeperTI tag can be used to help keep track of laptops, TV remotes, smart-phones, instruments and other items of frequent use.
The KeeperTI Home device identifies safety zones for items equipped with a KeeperTI tag. The Home device interacts with the devices synced with it and allows you to create rules and boundaries for your items.
Simberg and Vitaliano developed the idea for the product by recognizing the lack of tracking features offered in current security devices. They have been working on the KeeperTI product for over six months now. A campaign has been set up for funding continued development of the KeeperTI product at indiegogo.com and can be found at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keeperti-protect-your-things-the-people-you-love. The goal for the KeeperTI project is to raise $40,000. The deadline for making donations is Dec. 27.
To spread the word on their product, Simberg and Vitaliano are working through an advertising agency and giving notice to tech-blogs and newspapers about the KeeperTI. For more information about the KeeperTI, visit the official website at http://www.keeperti.com/.