UVU receives scholarship from Nu Skin

Tiffany Frandsen, News Editor @Tiffany_mf
Photo Credit: Byron Harward
To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Nu Skin is granting a $30,000 scholarship to UVU for information systems and technology students. President Matthew Holland accepted the grant at the anniversary observance on June 5.
“UVU plays a remarkable role here in our community,” said Steve Lund, executive chairman of the board, who also serves as chair on the Board of Trustees at UVU. “We as a company within this community are beholden to this educational institution because they are educating our future problem-solvers. President, we’re proud of you, we’re proud of the university, and we’re proud to make this contribution.”

President Holland thanked Nu Skin, praised their work in the community and promised the grant would go to deserving students.
Steve Lund has been on the Board of Trustees at UVU since 2007, and the university has had a relationship with Nu Skin for almost two decades.
“We feel this great kinship with Nu Skin. We feel like in many ways, we’re sort of in the same business. We’re about problem solving, research and changing people’s lives. That’s what I get to do at Utah Valley University every day and things like this make a huge, huge difference,” said Holland. Holland thanked founders Steve Lund, Sandie Tillotson, Blake Roney, and President and CEO Truman Hunt.
This is the second scholarship that UVU has received from Nu Skin – the first endowment went to the Woodbury school of business. They have also donated to the annual President’s Scholarship Ball.
“We chose IT because we’re about innovation here at Nu Skin and with IT, they’re innovating and they’re on the forefront of that,” said Sydnee Fox, senior manager of corporate communications and organizer of the event.
In addition to giving the scholarship, Nu Skin employees and United Way volunteers were spending the day assembling 130,000 items into educational kits that will go to Title 1 schools. They are also cleaning 13 city blocks and donating more than 3,000 books to local schools.
This annual event is one of many that will happen globally throughout the month. Throughout the year, Nu Skin’s Force for Good foundation supports such projects as the Children’s Heart Fund, scholarships for children in areas affected by poverty or tsunamis, and getting healthy food for malnourished children.