UVU hosts Middle East symposium

Carrie Laudie | News Editor | @carrielaudie
On Tuesday, March 10, UVU hosted a symposium on the Middle East Conflict. The speakers were His Excellency Juan Jose Escobar Stemman, ambassador of Spain in the Palestinian territories and Javier Martin, a news correspondent and chief bureau for the international news agency EFE in Tunisia. The event was sponsored by the International and Multicultural Studies Office and the peace and justice studies program.
The purpose of the symposium was to give students a European perspective on the conflict in the Middle East.
“The better we understand the global perspective on various issues, the better situated we are as a university to serve the students and faculty from around the world, enhancing UVU’s inclusive mission,” said Frederick White, associate vice president of academic affairs for engaged learning, in a press release. “The International and Multicultural Studies Office and the peace and justice studies program strive to consistently offer programs of this caliber. Our students gain perspective by having access to global leaders like His Excellence Juan Jose Escobar Stemman and Javier Martin and benefit from taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from them.”