This week on campus: U-Impact Week
Here is a rundown of all of the important events and activities to look out for on campus this week.

As we delve deeper into the new semester, school organizations and clubs have already begun mapping out various interactive campus-sponsored activities and events for students.
This week, the UVU Social Impact Fellows and the Center for Social Impact both take center stage to commemorate its annual U-Impact week.
The U-Impact week is an annual tradition organized and sponsored by the UVU Social Impact Fellows and the Center for Social Impact. The event is intended to teach students and members of the community how to be positively involved in their communities through a series of social impact events and activities scheduled all throughout the week.
MLK Commemoration Exhibit
One of the first events scheduled as part of this celebration will be the MLK Commemoration Week visual exhibit from Jan. 17-19. The exhibit— part of UVU’s Martin Luther King Day celebrations— will showcase and accentuate work done by Black leaders across the state of Utah. Students can attend this event in the Sorensen Center Grande Ballroom. ,.
Open House
In further celebration of U-Impact week, there will be an Open House on Jan. 19 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the Sorensen Center 105C. There will also be food, beverages, games and prizes all provided for students and participants. This will be an opportunity for students and members of the community to get together to relax, refresh, and have fun, whilst having the opportunity to discuss ways to positively impact and influence their communities.
Impact Thursdays: Impact 101
Continuing the tradition of “Impact Thursdays,” there will be a specially themed one in reflection on the significance of the U-Impact week, titled Impact 101. This event will take place on Jan. 19 at 1:30 p.m., at the Sorensen Center 105B. Part of the aim of the event will be to promote discussions on the significance of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility structure of social impact and a tool for implementing positive communal change.
In addition to the scheduled events and activities, there will also be a series of social media prompts and posts at @UVUSocialImpact on Instagram. The posts will include more information containing specific details about upcoming events to look forward to as well as things to expect from the Social Impact Center. There will also be posts offering information on how to apply the structures of social impact to enact positive social change.
Students can visit @UVUSocialImpact on Instagram for more information about U-Impact week.