Student concerns answered

Student Government (UVUSA) will be selecting comments and concerns to answer in the UVU Review. If students would like to leave feedback, locate a suggestion box or visit student government offices in SC 105. Question: Does the university plan on adding a botany degree? Response: The College of Science and Health anticipates offering new programs and a possible Botany Degree.

schedule 3 min read

Student Government (UVUSA) will be selecting comments and concerns to answer in the UVU Review. If students would like to leave feedback, locate a suggestion box or visit student government offices in SC 105.

Question: Does the university plan on adding a botany degree?

Response: The College of Science and Health anticipates offering new programs and a possible Botany Degree. The proposed science building extension does plan for a large botany lab. The availability of this program is unknown but it is understood that it is a needed and marketable degree. – Jessica Jaynes (Science and Health Senator)

Question: I find it frustrating that the library does not ever have the books/textbooks that are required in a class. It would be nice for the library to have books available that the teachers have as required readings in their classes.

Response: If you go to the library’s website there are two places to submit a suggestion. You can go to the For Student tab and there will be a suggestion option there. Or if you scroll down the page to the Quicklinks box, there is a tab for suggestions there as well. Just tell the library what book you would like them to order and they will respond and let you know the status on that book. You can send any other suggestions or feedback you may have through this tool as well. – Chantry Inkley (University College Senator)

Statement: Change the Shuttle route back.

The new shuttle route is yet to be deemed permanent. The current route is a result of our efforts to be able to open the free parking to the students that spend their time in the GT and CS buildings, and to provide better connection around campus. In this trial period, the current route is being adjusted and improved regularly in the hopes that it can become a workable system. We thank the students for the patience for the across-campus route as we are trying to accommodate all the students on campus.

If you would like give your input on the shuttle bus’s future please e-mail David Smith at [email protected]. – Jerry Stenquist (CHSS Senator)

Statement: Open hallways through the old library.

Response: Major renovation is taking place in the old library right now making it unsafe to re-open the hallways. The renovation was scheduled to be completed in November; however, it looks as if it may go into the summer. – David Smith (V.P. Academics)

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