Student you should know: George Rivera, President of the Environmental Awareness Club

schedule 2 min read

What is the purpose of the Environmental Awareness Club?

It is the purpose of the EAC to raise ethical concerns involving the environment to UVU students. It will also be understood that as an environmental organization, a large emphasis will be placed on improving the community by getting involved with various humanitarian efforts, environmental degradation/ protection education and involvement on a political scale. ~EAC Mission Statement

Who can join the EAC?

Anyone and everyone. Many people believe they have to be extremely outdoorsy or have a desire to live in a tree at some point in their life, but in reality it’s just people that want to be aware of what’s going on in the world around them. Pollution affects everyone, but how many people are aware of pollution levels and how to change it? The EAC asks these questions and comes up with ideas on how to fix the problem.

Why did you get involved in environmental issues?

After taking an environmental sociology course from Jeff Torlina, I was appalled at the atrocities discussed in class and wanted to do something about it. I became more politically active and educated myself on the matter, changing my lifestyle and preconceived notions.

How did the club get started?

The club has been around for a while; we just changed the name. In former years it was known as the Green Club, but when I took office I believed that the Environmental Awareness club gave a better idea of what we are about. After my interest in the environment I wanted to do something to raise awareness and at least give people the chance to know what is really going on.

Anything else you’d like to say about the EAC?

If anyone is interested in the club, we have a Facebook page (UVU Environmental Awareness Club) that is updated fairly often, or you can just email me at [email protected].

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