Student Alumni Association wins first-ever national award

schedule 3 min read


UVUSAA’s “Stop Being Boring” campaign wins Outstanding Internal Program


Cheyenn Clayburn | Staff Writer


UVU’s Student Alumni Association won its first-ever national award in August from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education for its student engagement campaign, “Stop Being Boring.”

This campaign won at the CASE Affiliated Student Advancement Programs district competition held in California last March, which qualified them for the 42nd annual CASE ASAP Conference for Student Advancement in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 6-8. The “Stop Being Boring,” campaign won in the category of “Outstanding Internal Program”.

The UVUSAA was unable to attend this conference due to a decision to spend funds on more events to promote the campaign on campus.

Former UVUSAA President Zack Dearing and the rest of the Student Alumni board first introduced the “Stop Being Boring” campaign to encourage students to make college a more successful and memorable experience. As a result of the motto, the UVUSAA has focused all of their events with this in mind.

“What we’ve sought to provide with this campaign are events where students feel they are not being ‘boring’,” Taylor Wilson, UVUSAA President, said. “I think most importantly, though, is how we seek to practice what we preach both as a board and as individuals. Every event we plan, every initiative we promote and the way we conduct our personal lives are all influenced by the goal to not be ‘boring’.”

Hoping to continue their success, the UVUSAA plans to continue relying on their motto and further developing their reputation on campus as an organization dedicated to improving students’ college experience.

To do this, they plan to improve their current events including the haunted house, student-to-student activities and the “I Heart UVU Bash”, as well as partnering with other organizations on campus.

UVUSAA has already partnered the Mighty Athletic Wolverine League (or MAWL), a club focused on increasing school spirit by cheering in the official student section at UVU athletic events.

By partnering with the MAWL, the UVUSAA has created a dual membership package where students can sign up for both organizations at the same time at a discounted price.

“The advice I would give to those interested in joining the Student Alumni Association is to simply come and see,” Wilson said. “There is a reason our membership is continuing to rise each year and we are winning awards. Commit yourself to understanding why so many students are talking about the Student Alumni Association.”

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