Police blotter

Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr
July 27- After a recent spike in thefts around campus, police officers had been reviewing surveillance cameras to identify the individual responsible. He was located in the game room of the SLWB where he had been sleeping overnight. According to Chief of Police John Brewer it was a 15-year-old minor who had been living on campus for the last week and had been stealing food, money and other small items at night when campus was empty. The minor was taken to Slate Canyon Youth Center and is being charged with theft and trespassing.
July 23- An officer patrolling the intermural field noticed two people on the field who had hopped the fence. The officer spoke with the individuals and warned them of their trespass violation. The two left the field upon the officer’s request.
July 25- While on patrol, an officer saw a group of teenagers lighting fireworks on campus. The officer explained to the group that they were not allowed to light fireworks or be on the property after hours without prior approval. The teenagers cleaned up their fireworks and left the property.
July 25- Police received a report from a man that his office had been burglarized. He reported that his door was unlocked and things had been moved around. He was also missing a couple of items.
Suspicious Persons:
July 24- A man at a local retailer was discovered trying to take a picture up a woman’s skirt. The man fled when the woman noticed. Police reviewed the surveillance cameras in an attempt to identify the man.
July 27- An unidentified suspect created a homemade firework and set it off at Scera Park playground. The explosion started the rubber ground covering on fire, but officers on patrol saw it and were able to extinguish the fire before it caused much damage.
Under the Influence:
July 24- Officers received reports of a suspicious man near the Orem Recreation Center. After investigating the man, police found him to be in possession of heroin and some prescription pills. He was arrested and taken to the county jail.
July 27- An officer noticed a juvenile boy out past curfew. He stopped the boy, who lied about his name and then resisted arrest. During a search, the officer found some marijuana and a pipe in the boy’s possession. He was taken to detention.
July 27- Police stopped a woman leaving the McDonald’s drive-thru because she appeared to be intoxicated. Upon questioning the woman, the suspicions were confirmed and she was arrested for DUI.