Orange cone alert

Robby Poffenberger | Assistant News Editor | @robby_poff
With all the construction projects underway at main campus, the UVU Review has your week-to-week construction update, courtesy of Frank Young, UVU Associate Vice President in Facilities Planning.
The following projects are currently underway:
Utah County Academy of Science is being re-carpeted.
The Center for Global and Intercultural Engagement space in the Liberal Arts building is on schedule for completion at the end of the month.
The dance floors are progressing on schedule and expected to be completed before Aug. 15.
Roofing projects at the airport and Health Professions Building are on schedule for completion before Aug. 15.
Heating, venting and air conditioning rebuilds in the Pope Science and McKay Education buildings are also on schedule for completion before Aug. 15.
Programming for the upcoming Performing Arts Building has begun and is expected to be completed by November.
A contractor has been selected for the second Scoops location build-out in the new Classroom Building. It is expected to open this fall. Bids are being received for the remodel of the current Scoops location in the Student Center.
The new Veteran Student Success Center in the Woodbury Business Building will be completed by the end of July.
Construction in the CS Building will start soon. Labs and office space will be reconfigured.