Orange cone alert

Robby Poffenberger | Assistant News Editor | @robby_poff
With all the construction projects underway at main campus, the UVU Review has your week-to-week construction update, courtesy of Frank Young, UVU Associate Vice President of Facilities Planning.
The following projects are currently underway:
The ballroom floor is complete except for a few minor items that will be completed soon.
Life and Wellness Center
The three-court gym in the Student Life and Wellness Center is being sanded and refinished. New volleyball court lines will be painted on the floors.
Liberal Arts
The Center for Global and Cultural Enhancement space is in the process of being relocated from the Woodbury Business building to the Liberal Arts building.
Dance floors
The dance floors are expected to be completed by August 15.
Health Professions
Reroofing of the Health Professions building is going well and is on schedule for completion before August 15.
Heating, venting and air conditioning
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning rebuilds in the Pope Science, Woodbury Business and McKay Education are on schedule for completion around August 15.
Performing Arts Building
Programing for the new Performing Arts Building is in progress and is expected to be completed by November.
Classroom Building
The Classroom Building restaurant and Scoops project has begun. Below-floor plumbing is ready for inspection.
Student Center
Remodel of the SC 220 location of Scoops will begin shortly.
Losee Center
The Losee Center second level remodel for University Marketing is underway. Framing is nearly complete. Classrooms will now be accessed from the long east hallway.
Woodbury Business
The exterior stair near the Woodbury Business building and metered parking lot will be removed and replaced.
Browning Administration
BA elevator will be rebuilt and placed back into service by August 15.