News briefs

Campus briefs INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS PRESENTATION – Career Services and Student Employment will be holding an upcoming international internship presentation. The event will take place on Feb. 26 from 1:00-2:00 pm in the student center SC 213B. This is an opportunity for students and faculty to learn what international internships are available and how to go about setting them up.

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Campus briefs

INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS PRESENTATION – Career Services and Student Employment will be holding an upcoming international internship presentation.

The event will take place on Feb. 26 from 1:00-2:00 pm in the student center SC 213B. This is an opportunity for students and faculty to learn what international internships are available and how to go about setting them up.

The featured speaker will be Lew Cramer who is president and CEO of the World Trade Center, Utah. Danny Damron, the new director for the International Center, will also share his many experiences with international internships. In addition, we have asked two UVU students who have completed international internships to come and discuss their experiences.

UVU STUDENT WINS UTAH STATE DELTA EPSILON CHI LEADERSHIP AWARD – During the Awards Session of the 2009 State Delta Epsilon Chi Career Development Conference, Jason Wright, a UVU student, received the 2009 Utah State Delta Epsilon Chi Leadership Award.

Wright was the recipient of the award for his example and role model to other Delta Epsilon Chi members. With his three and a half years of involvement with Delta Epsilon Chi, Wright has stood out amongst his peers.

“He has so many talents, among them computer technology and efficiency, as well as great follow-through skills that have been as helpful to him as chapter officer and state webmaster for Delta Epsilon Chi,” said Colleen Vawdrey, UVU Delta Epsilon Chi adviser.

Epsilon Chi.
During his years at UVU, Mr. Wright has not only been actively involved with Delta Epsilon Chi, Jason has also served in various leadership positions with PBL at local chapter and state levels.

National News

FACEBOOK PULLS NEW TERMS OF USE – Facebook users were outraged to find that a new terms of use contract for the social networking site included the company retaining user information after it has been deleted.

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg announced that its terms of use to clarify that information shared outside a person’s own profile including posts on friends’ walls or messages sent through the site’s messaging will remain even if your account is deleted.
User backlash prompted the company to return to its original terms of use contract. The Palo-Alto based company has since changed it terms of use which govern more than 175 million site users. This incident is the latest string of privacy complaints the site has seen.

WOMAN POISONS BABY FOOD – A South Florida has landed in jail after security cameras caught her poisoning baby food in a supermarket on Thursday. The woman, 50-year-old Shirley Ybarra, told store workers she was fixing food for her son. The cameras show Ybarra wheeling her cart down an aisle where she worked for twenty minutes while employees and shoppers walked by. The woman put rubber gloves on her hands before mixing a black substance into baby food and juice containers which she stored in a bottle of body spray. The tampered items were sent to the Food and Drug Administration for testing. Police have also contacted other South Florida supermarkets to see if Ybarra has been there.

MAN RECEIVES KIDNEY THROUGH CRAIGSLIST – In taking a chance with Craigslist, Daniel Flood of New York received a kidney by posting an ad on the online classified ads Web site. Dawn Verdick of California found the ad posted by Flood’s daughters while searching on the Web site for volunteer opportunities, and saw that she matched the blood type. She contacted the Flood family and was able to donate her kidney.

Usually the waiting list for a kidney takes two to six years and dialysis takes a heavy toll on a person’s body. The Flood daughters wanted to find their dad a living donor to raise the chances of him not rejecting the transplant. They ended up having more than 100 people respond to the request as well as some who offered to sell one, which is illegal in the U.S. The Floods began a new organization at to bring potential kidney donors to those who need them.

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